Set Up Solutions

For your heavy-duty milling machines, CNC machines, or other industrial process equipment, top-notch rigging services and cutting-edge equipment are essential. At METRO, we boast the latest equipment required for rigging, transporting, and installing your industrial machinery.

Our skilled technicians guide you through every step of the installation process, ensuring efficiency and safety. From assisting with proper location, placement, leveling, and machine tool alignment, to addressing issues with linear or box ways, spindle alignment and balancing, tool changers, pallet systems, and tooling, our expertise guarantees a seamless installation experience.

Instead of dealing with the logistical headache of outsourcing your project to multiple companies, opt for a turn-key service provider like us, who combines all necessary services into a single, experienced team. With METRO, you can trust that your project will be handled comprehensively without risking damage to your equipment, creating safety hazards, or causing delays to your timeline.

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